Miss Black & Gold Scholarship Pageant

February 1, 2025, from 7-9:30 PM

Trojan Grand Ballroom

TCC B41, 3607 Trousdale Pkwy, Los Angeles, CA 90089




Sponsorships and Advertisements


  • You can view our sponsorship and advertisement details through the following links:

    For any additional questions, feel free to contact us at alphadelta1921@gmail.com.

  • You are able to purchase tickets here.

  • To purchase an ad, visit the "Purchase an Ad" link. After purchasing, submit your ad by email to alphadelta1921@gmail.com by January 17, 2025.. Please ensure your ad meets the following guidelines:

    • Camera-ready artwork in JPEG format (high resolution, 300 dpi, under 1MB).

    • Page size: 8.5 x 11 inches.

  • Yes! If you’d like to contribute without purchasing an ad or sponsorship package, you can donate by entering an amount in the "Other Amount" section through any of our purchasing links under the Sponsorship or Advertisement section above. Every contribution helps us reach our goal of awarding $4,500 in scholarships.

  • While the Alpha Delta Chapter is in the process of securing non-profit status for its account, future donations will be eligible for tax write-offs. We’ll provide additional information as soon as this status is confirmed.